January 2009: dabl expands into Canadian pharmacy market >
dabl has recently appointed Cardiotronics Inc. in Canada as an agent for the dabl ABPM Pharmacy system.
Cardiotronics has been providing high quality and internationally approved medical device products in cardiology and primary care along with a complete range of related monitoring and research services in the Canadian market since 1995.
Their clients include pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organisations, hospitals, private laboratories, physicians and community pharmacies.
Cardiotronics will initially target pharmacies in Québec. Dr Brian Gore, President of Cardiotronics Inc. believes there is an important opportunity to roll-out the dabl system in the Canadian pharmacy market. As Canadian pharmacies are taking a more proactive role in collaborating with physicians to optimise the care of chronic diseases for their clients, t he dabl ABPM Pharmacy system gives pharmacies an important evidenced based tool to help them accomplish this huge task.
Like all western countries Canada has a significant hypertension problem with 5 million people having high blood pressure. O ne in five Canadians is affected by the condition and it is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease. Yet 43% of Canadians with high blood pressure are unaware they have it.
By using the dabl ABPM Pharmacy system and working closely with their local physicians and community health centres pharmacists will now be able to accurately identify those who have hypertension and require treatment, and monitor the efficacy of anti-hypertensive medication to ensure that those on medication are better controlled.
Contact details:

5025 Sherbrooke St W., Suite 660
Westmount, Quebec, H4A 1S9
Tel: 514-932-1702, 1-866-932-1702; Fax: 514-933-8739
E-mail: info@cardiotronics.ca
Website: www.cardiotronics.ca